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Sony WH-CH720N Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones (WH-CH720N/LCE) - Navy

Sony WH-CH720N Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones (WH-CH720N/LCE) - Navy


Sony WH-CH720N Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones (WH-CH720N/LCE) - Navy


- All-day comfort without Noise

- Full function & Light/ Comfort headband, High-performance Noise Cancelling and worry-feel call quality & connectivity let you focus on what matters

- Noise Cancelling allow you immerse yourself in music :

Dual noise sensor technology, featuring two microphones on each earcup, captures ambient noise. Achieveing high noise cancelling performance by using intergrated Processor V1. Newly added Wind Noise Reduction structure to minimize wind noise.

- Stay comfortable, however long you listen:

Sony's lightest wireness noise cancelling headband ever, around 192g, and silent joint reduces mechanical noise when wearing. Strong battery life for all day use (up to 35hours with NC on) and allow quick charging.

- High sound quality with intergrated processor V1 and well-balanced sound tuning:

D/A conversion circuit and headphone amplifier with highS/N ratio and low distortion characteristic for portable use in the integrated processor V1. DSEE to boost the quality if the compressed music files.

- Call Quality:

Precise Voice Pickup Technology uses beamforming microphones to pick up your voice clearly.

- Multi point connection:

Multipoint connection, easy button operation and can be controlled with your voice. Since the connection is easy with Swift Pair and Fast pair, these headphones are ideal for everyday use. 

- For more information:

- Warranty information:


Sony索尼 WH-CH720N 無線降噪耳機 (WH-CH720N/LCE) - 深藍色


- 全罩式無線耳機WH-CH720N

- 提供降噪功能。輕巧設計和超長電池續航時間,讓用戶更長時間享受音樂而不受外界干擾。

- 全天舒適零噪音體驗:

WH-CH720N 在兩邊耳罩配備兩個麥克風,結合雙噪音感應器技術捕捉環境聲音。用戶無論身處何方亦能不受外界噪音騷擾,專注喜愛的音樂。內置高品質麥克風和噪音抑制處理讓 WH-CH720N在通話過程中收集聲音的同時把環境噪音降低,即使在嘈雜的環境也能保持通話清晰。

- 長時間配戴保持舒適自在:

採用人體工學設計,即使長時間佩戴也能保持舒適。WH-CH720N的重量僅為 192 克,是Sony最輕便的降噪頭戴式無線耳機,帶來出色的佩戴性。在開啟降噪功能的情況下,電池續航時間長達 35 小時,提供足夠使用一整天的電量。

- 每首歌曲同樣擁有出色音質 內置V1處理器晶片:

採用內置V1處理器晶片和雙噪音感應器技術,帶來Sony先進的降噪效能,讓用戶享受更多音樂減少背景噪音。內置V1處理器有助消除外部聲音,低延遲處理,使降噪功能比以往更有效. 數位音效強化引擎 (DSEE) 讓用戶能享受自然的人聲、水晶般清晰的聲音和平衡的調音。當原始音樂檔被壓縮時,會失去為音軌所添加的細節和豐富度的高頻元素。

- 對話清晰:

透過 Precise Voice Pickup 技術和波束成形麥克風進行巧妙定位,在各種環境中能更清晰、更準確地收音。麥克風周圍配備全新降風噪結構,可有效減低背景噪音,讓對話和音樂保持清晰不間斷。

- 支援多點連接:

支援多點連接、簡易按鈕操作和語音控制 功能。透過 Swift Pair 和 Fast pair 功能可輕鬆連接,非常適合日常使用。

- 更多資訊 :

- 保修資訊:


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